Wednesday, July 14, 2010

14 Months

What can I say but the wee one keeps me busy! She is coming up on 14 months on the 29th of July. It's weird sometimes to think of a human being that has only been alive for 14 months! She has been doing very well. She did have Roseola fun fun. It was a high fever followed by the ever - looming RASH! The rash looks worse than it is . It doesn't bother the baby just looks icky. She made a full recovery Woo hoO!

Because of the hot weather it has been difficult to take her outside to play. We haven't been able to get out as much as I'd hoped.

She is going to walk , I would say, in the next month or month and a half. She is pulling herself up and also so much better at her motor skills. Often times i stress over her milestones becuase she is a little late on things. I have to remind myself that she was born a bit early and will eventually catch up. I can't help but worry i'm a MOM! She is not forming any words and very little responds to her name. She does however respond very well if you start singing "ABCD..." my co-worker reccomends i change her name to "Abcd" hmmmm..hahah no i won't do that. I will however settle my fears when we see the Dr. for her check up next month. I know i should just SIMMA DOWN NOW..but I can't!! Even my therapists tells me to concentrate on the thing she IS doing or i'm going to miss it. I do that too..i just also stress..and this is my problem, not Audrey's. My baby sitter said that Audrey is a really smart baby and i know this, I just want to make sure i do everything possible for her. I didnt' talk until 3 and have been making up for it ever since mwaa ha haaa.

Audrey also loves to eat w/ her hands now. Her favorites are meatballs, plums, bananas, and organic chicken nuggets. I still supplement her w/ baby food at the end of the meal but she's doing GREAT.

I'm pretty sure she's gone through a growth spurt because her feet are about to pop through the end of her sleeper toes! She recently wore an 18 month Sleeper taht i've had since her baby shower and I remember thinking "my God,she'll NEVER fit that" ahahhah and now she's fills it all out. she's a tall one!

She has been sleeping great (knock on wood) and sleeps usually from 8:00pm - 6:30-7:30 am. Her morning nap is a thing of the past. She naps at 12 after lunch for about 2 hrs then sometimes at 4:30 for like an hour or less. Needless to say, mommy LOVES her sleep pattern. :)

That's all the updates i have , i love dressing her in summer dresses and she is just a peach and the light of my every single day..hands down the best part of every day.