Thursday, January 22, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
23 Weeks

I know I know, I skip weeks. I'm uber busy at work! My home computer won't let me log in (God knows why ahah) so i try to squeeze this in.
I am now 23 weeks prego! I can't believe how flippin' fast this is going. This Wednesday is my next ultrasound. Hopefully the wee stinker will show me the goods!!! I want to know so bad!!! I bought my very first thing that I bought for the stinker. My mom and i went shopping at Burlington Coat Factory, and they have HUGGEE baby section. I had no idea, and my sister n law has worked there for like 3 years. I bought a wee blanky that says "sweet pea" and a pack of matching recieving blankets. It gets me all choked up just looking at clothes!! I"m such a wimp! It just really brings it to reality. I think the last 3 weeks or so It's gotten closer to my heart because I can really feel the wee one moving around a lot. I loovee feeling it move, it makes me feel secure and I wait for it every morning. He/She is most active in the morning. I get one cup of coffee a day and about an hour after that he/she is boot scootin' boogying.
I'm feeling alright. Still really tired, still mucousy and my throat STILL hurts. I feel like i have somehting swollen behind my tonsil and it's going on week 3 ugh ANNNOOyyyinNnngg. I'm going to ask my Dr. about it on Wed. Last time i went it was really crowded that morning. Lots of people breeding!
Here's a weird occurance as of late....I've noticed I'm more prone to nausea now than i was 1st weird is that? or is it normaL? I saw my uncles scratch w/ blood on his arm and i wanted to pull the car over and hurl..and i'm not a sensitive gal like that. Who knows..eveyrone has a different pregnancy. Most of the time my appetite is normal, but sometimes I could motorboat a pie and eat another dinner ahahha!! If i over do it i truly regret it. The room in there is getting smaller every day and when i is really uncomfortable! So i really try to keep it normal!
Other than all that , i shall keep you posted. Who knows..maybe you'll get two posts in one week! I want to post the ultrasound results asap!!
Love you all, take care,
Monday, January 5, 2009
21 Weeks

Hello Hello!!
I'm sorry I've been away so long! The holidays were wonderful, but then a week after (last week) I was sick as a dog..a pregnant dog. I had a severe head cold that lasted the entire week. It was a doosy. I think my husband is even impressed w/ how much more I could sleep given the chance. The good thing is I had last week off from work, so didn't need to use any time. The bad news is, I had so much to do around the house that I wanted to get done, but exhaustion kept me from it. I'd put a load of laundry in and realize I needed to lie down again. The stinker with having a cold during pregnancy is that all the good drugs are on the no-no list (usually i adore aleve cold and sinus) . The two drugs I found most helpful on the "okay" list were Tylenol liquid severe cold and Afrin nasal spray. The Tylenol really took the body aches and sinus pressure away that was killing me and made me feel a bit normal, and the Afrin would clear up my nostril so I could sleep. They were clogggged shut!! Also, the Neti Pot!!! The Neti pot is a great drug-free way to clean out the sinuses and get the junk out!!! I was disgusted and awed at the same time at what flew out of there!! It moved into my chest a bit but it is all clearing out now and sounds worse than it really is.
I'm definitley showing now. I have to work to remember this is baby and not all holiday weight gain. IT really messes with your psychy!! I didn't have much of a mid-drift before but what was there is really really gone ahahha. I have found if i eat too much I'm really uncomfortable and my stomach will stick out EVEN MORE.
This past week once i was feeling better I did make it to "Motherhood Maternity" to spend some Xmas Gift C's and get some new skivies and size E bra (oh yes "E" as in "EEEEKKK"!!!) These Boobs have their own gravatational pull their so big. Bless Motherhood Maternity for having plus size clothes and skivies..if it weren't for them I'd have to shop online for everything.
I did frolic around Goodwill in Greenwood becuase i was sick of being at home and hit PAYDIRT w/ some plus size bEAUTiful sweaters that will grow with me. Some chubby girl in Greenwood has excellent taste. 3 sweaters , 1 turtleneck and a wool skirt for 20 bones ain't bad! I floated out on a bargain euphoric high triumph. This woman had style and i love her for giving away her clothes!! They all looked brand new and all from lane Bryant..SCORE!
Anywho, now i'm back at work and know that I'm really going to miss the 2pm vacation nap i was getting used to. It's good to be back in society though, i think i'll stay. hahaha
One more note, we were unable to determine the sex of the bebe on the 23 rd. The stinker did not allow us to see it's bits and pieces. The tech said she gave a 60% chance of a girl only becuase there's no evidence of a dangler (okay she didn't use the term dangler). We go back the 21st to get another ultra sound and to see if the boo boo will be less shy :)
It all seems like it's going by really fast now. I'd write more but i have to pee again.
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