Wednesday, March 4, 2009

29 Weeks

Good Afternoon,

I am now 29 weeks...just a few more days till the 30 week mark. We are on the home stretch my friends! I'm officially ready to have this baby. Although my body was no showcase before pregnancy, i'm ready to get it back for just myself. I don't mind the extra tenant so much because I love the dickens out of her. But i do say..not lugging around .what feels like a bag of sand. sounds real nice right now. And as much as i just love trekking to the bathroom 14 times in 15 will be nice to be able to get some work done. The 3rd trimester has kind of pulled the rug out from under me a bit and taken me by surprise. I'm so paranoid of lifting, bending over, eating too much, not eating enough ,my sugar levels, my blood pressure OH CALGON!

But...I got to hear her heartbeat this morning and all is well. It was real hard for the dr. to find it this morning. This made me lie like a stone and freak out behind my seemingly calm face. Apparenly Audrey had her back to us and it's a little tricky when she does that. WHY does she worry mommy!! The dr. also said there was a bit of protien in my urine which MIGHT be a symptom of oncoming preeclampsia (i know i spelled that wrong) so now i have to PEE in a BUCKET for 24 hrs. I did this in the beginning of the pregnancy, and i hate it. It is gagging me just thinking about it. Collecting your own pee pee really is way around it. AND it's a pain in the rear (or the front har har) to keep taking and putting the jug back in the fridge when i have to pee allllll the time Thank God we have a fridge in our garage so it's not near the REAL food, i think i'd have to throw it all out . So my plans for Sunday are no plans. It's staying at home and collecting my whiz...don't you wish you were me?

I can't help but get the guilty feeling that it's becuase I'm overwieght and I did this to myself. But it's too late now for guilt, I just have to deal w/ the now and today and keep on truckin!

So once again, cross thy fingers and i will let you know !!

Amy out

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