Thursday, April 16, 2009

35 almost 36 weeks!

Hello all,

This has been one interesting week. I went in for Dr. appt on Tuesday with Ultrasound and NST and Audrey does NOT like to move around at all around the afternoon hour. So it was a while..and they scheduled another appt. two days later (today) My blood pressure is still high, I have problems getting out of the 140's under 90's, and when I have a braxton contraction the bottom number will shoot up to 100 ugh. SO needless to say I've been worried. They doubled my bp meds again,and i think this has something to do with why I'm so tired all the time.

So today's appt was later (at 1 after lunch) . And she STILL doesn't move through a 30 minute ultrasound and what felt like a 5 hr NSTest (it was acutally about 2 hrs i'm thinking) They even gave me a regular coke which I smelled and drank and savored. She did start to movea little after that. THey then told me that i'll probably be induced at 37 weeks...which is THE WEEK AFTER NEXT!!! Needless to say,I'm a little freaked out! THey said that probably becuase of my blood pressure she's not growing the way she needs to or seomthing. I try to remember itall but it all gets jumbled. So next week I'm going to have my mom and Jen go with me ifthey can. Mom was with me at this appt until she had to go :( The NST wastaking i don't blame her.

But Audrey has been a night mover since i can remember her movign. She moves after dinner and doesn't stop until even after I go to bed. Tuesday night she bounced around like she was in Circ De SOlei and i could just sit and watch her (of course AFTER the dr.) . I fully explained this and they just said,becuase everything else looks good that if that changes to call them asap!!

SO i'm a little wierded out ,and am hoping and praying everything will be okay! her heartbeat is fine, she's just a daytime sleeper (we needtorevers that before she pops outahhaha)

I will keep you updated w/any new info!! I put a 36 wk picture up because it's so late in the week.


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