Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Weeks!!


We're at 25 weeks and doing well. This past weekend I do belive this child had a growth spurt. I seem to be popped out a LOT more than just last week! I also had a lot of round ligament pains this weekend up to day. They're little pinchy muscle reminders on my lower right side that tell me that my boo boo is getting bigger. They're really not to painful, more of an annoyance. They're not like i scream "OWE" it's more like a whispered "owee" at my desk . I still try to not over eat because it makes me mucho uncomfortable. I found out last dr. visit that I've only gained 7 lbs through the whole shabang so far. I was very happy to hear that (i requested to hear the #) So i'm right on track. The sore throat I've had for 4.5 weeks FINALLY went away this weekend. My dr. told me to take zantac to cut down th acid and whatttaya know..she was right, and no more night time acid that made my throat cranky. I can't say how awesome it is that it's gone. I was getting really tired of cough drops. yuck!! We're currently gearing up to do the baby's room. We're going to put our extra antique bed into storage and grama Judy is coming from Ohio with the crib!! I'm so excited!!

Work is crazy busy, so it's been non stop. I'm still going to bed at 8-8:30 at night most nights, that has not changed. I'm trying to currently really pay attention to my posture to avert any aches and pains from the extra weight all in one spot. As a previous severe back pain sufferer i know that once you start leaning on one thing wrong it all goes wrong and ytou feel worse!!.

My next dr. Appt is around Feb 19th and i get to drink Glucola..mmm doesnt' that sound delicious. IT's to check for justational diabetes. I've been feeling fine, so i REALLY hope i don't have it! I will also be getting the "RH" Shot becuase my blood type is 0- . That is so the baby's blood if it's a different type doesn't attack my system. (as an O- person I'm a universal donor, anyone can have my blood, but i can only get O- that's why blood banks call me and email me like psychos) .
That's all ihave to post today.

Hope all is well and everyone is dealing with the snow!!


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