Tuesday, October 28, 2008

11 Weeks

Hello Friends and Familia,

We are 11 weeks prego. Today , what I thought was going to be the ultra sound, was actually the doodad that just finds the heartbeat. They couldn't find it, but she said it all sounded really good placenta and what not. She said that sometimes the uterus tilts back and it's hard to hear it. Aaron said it sounded like we're giong to give birth to a modem. ahahahaha...that's my husband. I personally think it might be because of my extra fluff in the front but she quickly told me that was not so. ..but i still think it has something to do w/ it.

I wanted to slightly cry like a baby at first but then i remembered they're trying to hear something that is still REALLY tiny and moving around and i'm only 11 weeks. She said that I should'nt worry at all , which of course I will but will try to keep it at a minimum. The REAL ultra sound is next Monday. My sister is going w/ me because A-Ron has to work ..stinkin' work.

Last week I felt like pure poop. But when i woke up Thursday morning I felt like a new woman. I had some energy back and the bad nausea was gone (the doc said that there was something going around so i might've been dealing w/ a bug ick) . The doc also told me that a flu shot is fine. But anyway long story short, i feel freaking great. Except i'm still REAL tired a lot. i could sleep at a drop of a dime. Anybody else like this when they were prego? I drink tea every once in a while because being that tired at work is awful. I figure tea has a bit less caffiene than coffee so it's pretty safe. I haven't had any coffee people since the wee before i found out. i miss starbucks so much. I dont' get anything fancy..just the regular brewed coffe w/ cream and splenda. ugh i miss it. i know i could get decaf, but it still breaks my heart i can taste the difference. WAA..but i'll get over it. hahaha.

That's about all I have to tell ya right now. I think i've only gained about 2 lbs w/ this pregoness so far and i'll take that :)


1 comment:

Robin said...

Grrrrlll....I can't wait to hear about the ultrasound. I love having preggo friends.