Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Week 18
Good Afternoon my pets,
It is week 18. A week from today (Dec 23rd to be exact) we will know if i will be having a prince or a princess haha!! I can't wait. sometimes i try to forget about it so i'm not so anxious but then i remember and i just CAN"T WAIT!
Things are goin' alright, I'm still really tired all the time. It's better than the first trimester, but i'm still going to bed early at around 8:30-9 and it's really hard to get up. Going back to sleep after the 2:30 pee is getting harder because Aaron's snoring makes me want to kick him really hard hahaha..but I know i snore too (and worse since the pregoness) but man i want to punch him haha (in a loving way of course). And the carpal tunnel of course is really really bothering me still. It's just really painful in the morning (see glowing red part in illustration) i can barely make a fist int he morning. I know I'm whiny !! I'm going to mention it to my dr. next week to see if they can steer me towards the braces to wear at night. ouchy!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Week 17
Hello my pets,
I know I skipped a week. Last week was pretty tough at work and I was exhausted by the end of it. Maybe it was normal and I was just particularly tired ha! I just know that I'm glad last week is behind me.
I feel fluttering this week. It started at the end of last week. I'm 95% sure it's the wee one in there. The fluttering will start when i sit down at my desk or when I lie down to go to bed. That's when i notice it at least.
This past weekend i divulged in my Birthday present from the hubby. I cashed in on the massage he got me. This magic man was wonderful. His name is Craig Cravens on the southside. I told him that my paws hurt because my carpal tunnel was flaring now that I'm pregnant. My hands literally are numb every morning and ache like someone stomped on them at night. My sister n law said this will be fine after i have the wee one, it just gets really bad durning pregnancy...i love how they all told me selective things about being pregnant. Then they let loose the bad stuff once you're in it. I think I hear them snickering hahahah. ANYWAY back to the massage...this man massaged my hands and forearm and it was magical. In his workds he said "oh girlll..this feels like a guitar string" I could definitely tell when he hit the hot spots ..it was a good hurt though. And yesterday morning i noticed my hands were SCADS betta~!!! I might save up to get a 30 min hand massage if it gets icky again. He showed me some great stretches. Luckily the worst is in the morning and by late morning I'm fine.
In the meantime the countdown continues till we find out if the baby has a hooo hoo or a hoo ha. I can't wait. I still dont' think i'm showing, i think I still just am looking fat, but that comes w/ the territory of being a chub pre-pregnancy, it just makes me sad sometimes.
I hope all the rest of you are enjoying your holiday season!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Week 16
Sniff sniff...sneeze...sniff sniff..blow nose, sneeze again . That's been my pattern for a while now. From what I've read and what my dr. has told me Nasal problemos are no new news in pregnancy. Because of the extra estrogen my mucous membranes are swollen..ahhh the magic. I have nasty sinuses anyway and that along w/ the weather of November rain, well you can all see where this is heading. I have the headaches lulling almost everday. The sneezing starts sometimes right when i get up. I did start taking sudafed last night and also saline spray and it has helped. Today has not been as horrible. Yesterday i think i had a slight fever from an impending sinus infection. I know you all wanted to really hear about the contents of my tissues. I like sudafed though, it's mild and i didn't feel weird or hyper.
One more thing..i'm a cry baby now. I've never been a "cryer" per say. It usually takes quite a bit for me to tear up in public or even in private. Pre-pregnancy it was only around the "lady days" taht i would tear up for dumb reasons. But now..ohh watch out. I warned my husband this morning that i often cry myself to sleep if i watch/read something emotional and i've kept it pretty well hidden from him and so not to be surprised if he catches me one night. Last night it was the show "Intervention". The thought process is insane and usually goes like this in the midst of the sobbing "why God why are there drugs and addicts, I"M SO FAAT" .
The stream of insanity just flows in my brain. Eventually I've cried enough that I've Blocked any good the sudafed did and i sniffle my way back into dream land where a whole other set of craziness starts ahahha. I'm fine by morning of course.
Like I said.."AHHH THE MAGIC" . I hope you all have a wonderful holiday week. I certainly plan to take advantage and violate the stuffing
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Week 14
Good Afternoon my pets,
It's week 14. It's the first week of my 2nd trimester. How do i feel? I feel good. not great, but I'll take good. I'm still getting headaches pretty easily and I'm in bed by 9pm. The fear that my boobs might actually get even bigger is always hanging in my mind. Am I showing? Well, no. I'm already what we call of "the thicker variety" so it still just looks "thick". I can't wait until i actually have a bump that is babyfied and recognizable. I havne't been going to the gym in about 2 weeks. I know it's awful and it's always looming above me. I've just been worn out and tired and avoiding it.
My little stinker is about 4" right now i bet. Our next appt is November 25th. Any chance I can get to hear/see my wee one I get really excited. Then 2 weeks or so after that we should know the gender!!!!!!!! ugh my curiosity can't take it. I'm also looking forward to Thanksgiving. It's my favey holiday as there's no stress and I get to lye around in my pj's and cook all day and i love it. Last year my sister and I walked/ran the drumstick dash in Broadripple, but this year not so much ahahha. I will do it next year though.
If anyone has hints on trying to motivate yourself into going to the gym feel free to tell me..btw..is anyone out there?!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Week 13
Hello Family and Friends,
We are in the midst of week 13. This is the last week of my first trimester YAYYY!!!!! I can't tell you how happy I am to almost be in the 2nd trimester. It's so worrisome the first 3 months. I mean, i'll still be worried but man it's like i can breathe a little. Of course I've had to loosen some pants lately to breathe easier too. I stopped weighing myself at home it's too wierd and emotional to disconnect from the scale. I'd rather just do it at the Dr's office. It has all really made the emotional connection to wieght numbers really stick out. This week so far I've noticed that my energy is coming back a bit! I am no longer getting up on Saturday and Sunday, eating toast and then going back to bed until noon. Last Sunday I got up and stayed up!!! I cleaned the garage (nothing heavy dont' worry) and raked some leaves and cleaned the house and made chili and a pumpkin pie and did laundry. Of course I collapsed at 9:30 but it was a great day. I felt somewhat like myself again. I am not like the headaches and how fast and furious they come on. I had a doozie again yesterday that wiped me out as soon as i got home. I fell asleep after dinner and slept until 8 after taking some Tylenol. If anyone has any home remedies for Headaches just let me know. Tylenol does a little bit but i sure do miss ibuprofin. I also put a hot rag on my face for a while. ugh. i hate headaches. WEll, that's about all i have to update. MY next Dr. Appt is November 25th! Hopefully we'll get to see more pics or hear heartbeats.
Oh another new finding, i don't do onions or garlic very well. My stomach is really sensitive these days. ughhhh.
Hopefully next week will have more interesting things to tell you ahhaha.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Week 12
Hello All,
We are now in week 12!!!!!!! A big week for Amo. We got to see our little stinker and his/her heartbeat!!! To the right you will see our stinker. The dark area is the amniotic fluid and the wee profile. Aaron couldn't go, but my sister went with me. I can not tell you how exciting, especially a first pregnancy, it is to finally see your little one! At 12 weeks i have no other visual proof. I'm already heavy so i have no apparent baby bump, and the heart beat was not audible. This was pure joy when i saw the stinker flop around in there and they pointed out the heartbeat. There's just not words and i'm not a sappy person. Even though they tell you not to worry when they can't find a heartbeat, you worry,it's all part of the package of being prego. But this event took a notch off my worry scale. All i wanted to see was to make sure he/she was there. I can't wait to meet him/her. We've got a long road ahead.
In other news, I'm still really really drained, and i've had a terrible headache for 2 days that tylenol just does nothing for. I lied down at work on my lunch but it still just doesn't want to go away. I'm more prone to headaches than i was pre-prego ness. But on the brightside (and i always try to find one) I don't have morning sickness. I have chucked in my sink twice from my toothbrush gagging me, but other than that i'm okay. I just can't wait to have some kind of energy.
Until week 13 my friends..i bid you adieu. Only 1.5 weeks until I'm OUT of the first trimester WOO HOOO!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
11 Weeks
Hello Friends and Familia,
We are 11 weeks prego. Today , what I thought was going to be the ultra sound, was actually the doodad that just finds the heartbeat. They couldn't find it, but she said it all sounded really good placenta and what not. She said that sometimes the uterus tilts back and it's hard to hear it. Aaron said it sounded like we're giong to give birth to a modem. ahahahaha...that's my husband. I personally think it might be because of my extra fluff in the front but she quickly told me that was not so. ..but i still think it has something to do w/ it.
I wanted to slightly cry like a baby at first but then i remembered they're trying to hear something that is still REALLY tiny and moving around and i'm only 11 weeks. She said that I should'nt worry at all , which of course I will but will try to keep it at a minimum. The REAL ultra sound is next Monday. My sister is going w/ me because A-Ron has to work ..stinkin' work.
Last week I felt like pure poop. But when i woke up Thursday morning I felt like a new woman. I had some energy back and the bad nausea was gone (the doc said that there was something going around so i might've been dealing w/ a bug ick) . The doc also told me that a flu shot is fine. But anyway long story short, i feel freaking great. Except i'm still REAL tired a lot. i could sleep at a drop of a dime. Anybody else like this when they were prego? I drink tea every once in a while because being that tired at work is awful. I figure tea has a bit less caffiene than coffee so it's pretty safe. I haven't had any coffee people since the wee before i found out. i miss starbucks so much. I dont' get anything fancy..just the regular brewed coffe w/ cream and splenda. ugh i miss it. i know i could get decaf, but it still breaks my heart i can taste the difference. WAA..but i'll get over it. hahaha.
That's about all I have to tell ya right now. I think i've only gained about 2 lbs w/ this pregoness so far and i'll take that :)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Week 10!
Welcome to Week 10. The new thing this week is a bit of nauseau this week. It all started saturday when i gagged whilst brushing my teeth. I've heard of this, but it still totally caught me off gaurd. Since then, i get waves. I haven't actually Tossed thy cookies, but one sniff of the garlic leftovers in our fridge brings it right up there in my throat. And that's how it all began. It is now Tuesday morning of week 10 and my stomach is not feeling so great. I'm hoping my workout will make it better today and shake it off some. whew, i do not like this. Although, I still consider myself extremely lucky to have made it to week 10 w/out much complaining. Needless to say, there have been no cravings lately, just for the fridge to not smell of garlic.
I'm so excited that there's little arms and legs and feet and hands and look at all that's going on!! I think i google things a million times a day just to figure out the craziness that's happening. Next Tuesday (week 11) is our FIRST ultra sound!!!!!! I can't wait to keep you posted!!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
My mom, has graciously started giving me a bag of apples every now and then. These apples are from Adrian Orchards on the south side of Indianapolis. They are....to die for. I eat around 2-3 a day. They have the best flavor! I was used to the grocery store apples that are a tame version of fresh, and i cut one of these Adrian's up and it is bursting w/ DELICIOUSNESS!!!! I just had to express my love for these apples. I might have to make a pie.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Week 9 !
Hello All!
We are at Week 9! The wee one is officially a fetus (I thought that was last week but i was wrooongg). There's an artists' rendering to the right over there. The baby now at the stage where it's no longer a manatee or any other sea creature! The little one has a big head still, and wee arms and legs and I think can pee now heheheh. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww isn't that cute. I'm still really tired, actually really wiped! I had to take a nap int he middle of the day yesterday while visitng the grandparents because i couldnt' keep my eyes open! The pants are getting tighter, but It's okay knowing the reason i just don't mind!
I was in Florida this past week to tell my grandparents! This trip was planned pre-conception so it was just more good news to let them in on! They bought me an adorable baby blanky w/ dinosaurs (some are princesses and some are boy dino's so it will work for whatever the stinker is!)
The grandparents live in a magical retirement place in Florida called "The Villages". The morning air smells like bacon and I think they polish the trees at night. I'm pretty sure it's like the "Stepford Grandparents" and some of them are robots! DON'T DRINK THE KOOLAIDE GRAMA! All kidding aside, it really is a beautiful place, and we had a great time. Although I am glad to be back in low humidity Indiana :) A constant sweat mustache is not really a good accessory.
here are some pictures. My dad traveled with me. We went to a polo game (the Villages have I think the 2nd biggest polo field in America, i'll have to double check that fact) but it's truly georgeous. We also went to the Russel Stover outlet , yesssssssss...I loaded up a lot of good chocolate and licorice for my office mates. some of it's even sugar free :) .
Oh and by the way, i made a healthy version of the Pork Fritter that was DELICIOUS!!! I basically pounded a boneless pork chop, and dipped it in egg and then bread crumbs that had very little salt and a bit of pepper, then baked it for about 25 minutes ( i think i flipped it once too) and had it on a whole wheat bun w/ mustard and relish. I was quite proud of myself and it quenched the craving!!! Aaron really liked them too!!!!! It's a definite do again dinner!
LOve you all,
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Lunges squats and Mcdonalds cheeseburger
Hello all!
I'm on the tail end of week 8! So far still no morning sickness. I feel really really lucky!! I am still really tired especially after work, i just want to lye on my couch and zone out and then go to bed at 8:30-9pm. Probably because I've been getting up 4 x's a night to pee as you all know. Although, the last two nights I've only gotten up once and it's been WONDERFUL!! But as soon as my cat knows i'm awake (usually around 4 a.m) he takes his purch on my hip to remind me that he needs his spoon full of horse meat soon. Maybe i should look at Tigger as practice, that my nights of sleeping through are not coming back anytime soon.
Something that started last week, was food cravings. As you read in my earlier post, a pork fritter has been dancing in my mind, and also a Mcdonalds cheeseburger. I do not eat fast food hardly at all, and ESPECIALLY Mcdonalds. Finally I gave in last night. I couldn't take it anymore! I felt dirty just being in the drive thru. I went home and at my meal. The good news is, it was not so great and the spell has been broken. The pork fritter..it's still taunting me. "Amy...i'm so crunchy w/ mustard and pickles, and it's so sexy how i hang 2 inches over the already ridiculously sized bun...c'mon..jUST A BITE" well, we all know I can't just take a bite. I dont' know if this fantasy will come to life, but I truly think that caving a bit sometimes breaks the spell. I'm going to try to make a baked healthy version at home tonight. After discussions with Aaron how to do this, we have bought the appropriate ingredients and are ready for our experiment.
I have also started a new prenatal work out. From the sounds of my cravings, it couldnt' start anytime sooner. He has me doing a really awesome workout that i really sweat with and build up my core to help pop my wee stinker out (that could mean a completely different thing) . Here's what I hate , but am convinced I will master...The evil Lunge and squats. I don't look like the svelt woman in the picture, and i'm holding a giant ball w/ 3 lbs of what sounds/feels like rice inside while i do them. IT really makes my heart race, and i'm not quite conviced that there's not a forest fire happening in my hamstrings today. I also work on the Incline machine and get up to a 15 incline at 3mph. I tried to do the suggested 3.3 but it's not in the stars yet. I thought my previous jogging would have me doing better, but for about a month i havne't been jogging and it really showed. I'm glad I have my new work out because it really gets me excited again about my workout. I currently belong to NIFS downtown Indy and that gym is the best gym I've EVER belonged to, it's been since my skinny days in college that i've stuck w/ a routine/gym for so long.
This weekend I travel to Florida to visit my Grandparents! They do not know yet! I will blog again when I return (it will be week 9 by then) and will have updated pics of me (although not much change as my belly just looks like a plus size belly haha. I really envy thinner people who get to see every change that goes on with their bodies, it's so exciting.
Until next week my pals, I bid you adieu!!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
What's that in the sky!? Is it hot air balloons?! Is it Goodyear Blimps?!?! OR two GIANT ORBS FROM SPACE COMING TO DESTROY US ALL!?!? nooooo..it's just Amy's prego boobs. They're just going to get bigger folks. My current braziers are getting tighter (when they WERE getting a lot looser from exercising) so Amo's gonna have to go shopping this weekend to find support!!! and maybe even...save...the world.
And just so you know...because I can, I photoshopped a zit out. But the stain on my shirt made it.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
7 Weeks and 2 days
Hello, this is my first post that no one will likely read because not many know of this blog yet. I'm a first time prego mamma. I had my first appointment this morning at 7 weeks and 2 days prego. I'm starting this blog so everyone can keep updated and my in-laws in Ohio can also keep track and holla at me !!! So far I have no morning sickness. Maybe it's the calm before the storm, who knows. I'm a little skerred!! I do seem to be hungry ...alll....theee...timme. I'm a plus size pregnant woman, and i know i had issues w/ food before, but it's really really hard now. I have a lot of snacks around (healthy) to help me keep the constant hunger at bay. So far i like the wee V8's low sodium and animal crackers or apples/fruit and what not.
I'm really scared being overweight already and being pregnant. I am going to stay positive and do what i'm supposed to do and i think everything will be okay. The good thing is, this year I have been working on my weight anyway and had lost 20lbs so my habits aren't too bad currently. They just need a little tweaking. For instance, right now i'd like to motorboat a Porkfritter w/ mustard from Mug n Bun. ...but i won't.
SO , i will try to post once a week and keep eveyrone updated!!! Most people will know by mid-October!! It is KILLING ME not to tell people..absolutely....killing me.
Here's my 6 week pic ugh, it's terrible. yiikkesss...I already look 5-6 months ahaha. I'm a chub what can i say. Although i have abnormally normal legs for a fat chic. I'm still excited for all the changes, and a little scared. I can only take it one day at a time. Man that's a bad picture. eek.
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