Wednesday, June 3, 2009

5 Weeks old Today

Hello again!

All of you know what has happened after my last post, i had ze bebe. I am already back from maternity leave and at work. As a newbie to's what i've learned:

* This is the hardest thing I've ever done ...ever
* The first hell but has gotten so much better after just 5 weeks
*Everyone tells me that I'll forget how hard it all was at the beginning, but I can tell you right now, we will never...ever....ever forget
* This is also the best thing I've ever done and i'm wrapped around her finger
*Pediolyte is a LIFE SAFER w/ a gassy baby!!!
*Your pediatrician doesnt' care how many times you call w/ stupid questions, they expect it!
*I have the best friends and family someone could ever ever ask for
*if you're having a newborn, there is NO SHAME in asking for help, a nap, or someone just to cry to.
*You try so hard and long to put them to sleep, then 20 minutes later you are staring at them in the crib almost wanting to wake them up
* I think my child is the only child on earth that doesn't fall asleep in car seats and rides in the stroller until about a 1/2 hr into it.
* My body has partly adjusted to sleeping a LOT less and i only need a full nights rest every once in a while to catch up :) but i still dearly miss my bed and can't wait until i move from the couch back to it!!
* Let your house get messy and clean it when you want to and have the time. Don't stress over it!!
*I'm finding i need more bottles!
* I miss her all day but am also glad to be working again and having a bit of normalcy back. It's good for both me and her :)
* Babies smell awesome
* and finally...i love that stinker more than anything in the entire world...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Final Countdown 36 weeks

Hello All,

Big news today! First..I'm officially on bedrest for the blood pressure problems. Second..I"m being induced next Monday's so wierd to think by the end of next week i'll be a mom! weird weird weird.

Ultrasound and NST went awesome today btw.

I'm going to go lay onmy left side now ahah.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

35 almost 36 weeks!

Hello all,

This has been one interesting week. I went in for Dr. appt on Tuesday with Ultrasound and NST and Audrey does NOT like to move around at all around the afternoon hour. So it was a while..and they scheduled another appt. two days later (today) My blood pressure is still high, I have problems getting out of the 140's under 90's, and when I have a braxton contraction the bottom number will shoot up to 100 ugh. SO needless to say I've been worried. They doubled my bp meds again,and i think this has something to do with why I'm so tired all the time.

So today's appt was later (at 1 after lunch) . And she STILL doesn't move through a 30 minute ultrasound and what felt like a 5 hr NSTest (it was acutally about 2 hrs i'm thinking) They even gave me a regular coke which I smelled and drank and savored. She did start to movea little after that. THey then told me that i'll probably be induced at 37 weeks...which is THE WEEK AFTER NEXT!!! Needless to say,I'm a little freaked out! THey said that probably becuase of my blood pressure she's not growing the way she needs to or seomthing. I try to remember itall but it all gets jumbled. So next week I'm going to have my mom and Jen go with me ifthey can. Mom was with me at this appt until she had to go :( The NST wastaking i don't blame her.

But Audrey has been a night mover since i can remember her movign. She moves after dinner and doesn't stop until even after I go to bed. Tuesday night she bounced around like she was in Circ De SOlei and i could just sit and watch her (of course AFTER the dr.) . I fully explained this and they just said,becuase everything else looks good that if that changes to call them asap!!

SO i'm a little wierded out ,and am hoping and praying everything will be okay! her heartbeat is fine, she's just a daytime sleeper (we needtorevers that before she pops outahhaha)

I will keep you updated w/any new info!! I put a 36 wk picture up because it's so late in the week.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

More photos for Aunt DOnna :)

Publish Post

For Aunt Donna

These are for my aunty Donna to take a look at my yard to help me figure out what to do to make it pERTY! it's a hot mess right now.....sooo don't judge me. hahahah

Friday, April 10, 2009

Almost 35 Weeks :)

AH LAwdy,

I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow :) ! Just a short 5 weeks to go. To update you, after a couple of friends talked to me, I signed up for a Breast Feeding class. It is may 7th. I figured I've spent 25 $ on dumber things ! Anything that can ease my mind about it is worth it. I'm going to see if i can sneak into a class that i missed on Birth positions too.

This past week I started feeling a little wierd w/ my blood pressure. It kind of felt like a mild version of when you hang upside down and you feel everything flow to your torso and head and arms. Then I think I had anxiety about it, so it made it worse, So i got in at my dr.'s on Wednesday and she checked me out and also did the Strep B test. It has been averaging I'd say 135/90 . When i got there it was 144/95. So they had me lie down on my left side and it went right down after about 7 minutes. She told me to keep track of it and to keep taking my Labebetol twice a day. The good thing is, i can lay down at work whenever I need to, they have no problems with that, i feel incredibly lucky i can do that. I brought my blood pressure machine to work and have been logging it eveyr couple of hours. I also am PRETTY sure I'm having Braxton Hicks. My uterus gets REAL tight and if i feel my midsection i can feel her better when I'm having them!! They don't hurt at all.

My dr. said she does see bed-rest in my future (ugh) I'm not real pleased with that. I'm supposed to take it real easy, BUT we're on the home stretch and we have moolah saved up for emergencies and maternity stuff (if you know my husband you know he masterminded that hahah Thank God for him he's awesome) Plus i don't do anything so I haven't been spending any money! LOL My life is work, recliner, bathroom and my cat and husband...that's the bulk of it and i'm okay with it for now. The good thing is, I think I'd be REAL good at Bedrest like a professional hahahahh

I did have one heck of a craving after the dr. appointment the other day. I think it was a mix of prego craving and comfort food craving after a worrisome dr. appt. It was for a Hostess Pie. I have not had one in YEARS. It' s not something a chub like myself allows herself to buy hahaha. It's on the forbidden list!! I wanted one so bad....I went to CVS and they didnt' have any so i bought fig newtons thinking i could squench it (okay i also bought starburst jelly beans becuase i love them so much) but didn't work, so I ended up going to Arby's and got 2 turnovers and fully intended to eat them both..but alas, I gave Aaron the cherry one becuase i calmed down. I ate it in the car and fully expected to turn to the other car beside me and see like an ex-boyfriend or something while i have icing all over my face and a fierce face full of turnover. HAHAHA I had crumbs all over me. . I then thought long and hard about why I would crave something like that out of nowhere, and remembered my grama used to have Hostess pies in the freezer when i was little and I'd heat them up and eat them allll the time...and i think it was a comfort thing for me. All of this baby/parenting stuff is new and sometimes I just need my blanky like Linus, except in my case it tends to be bad food! If I think hard enough I could tell you where each favorite bad food item stems from was wknds with dad, doughnuts- another Sudnay tradition with dad, hot dogs-grama, I could go on and on, all good memories that have food involved that comfort me. I also like Raw Spinach and Veggies so so their not alllll bad. :)

I have an appt next Tuesday with another ultra sound (she said i get one EVERY APPT NOW!!!) and a Non-stress test . Those will happen every appt which are weekly from now on :)

Those are my updates! Other than ALLL of that, I feel good, I take naps, I look forward to seeing my stinker :0 )

Everyone have a WONDERFUL holiday :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

33-34 weeks


Here we are at almost 34 Weeks (Saturday). Baby classes are complete!! I can't tell you how much the baby classes eased my mind. There was so much i didn't even know that I didn't know. It was a HUGE help and urge anyone having their first baby to go go go! We did miss the 2nd class becuase I was sick. We missed the class that talked about breathing and positions while in labor. I'm a little nervous but will read and search youtube.

Should I be nervous that Aaron twisted the onsie's feet together whilst practicing dressing and bathing in class? He was hysterical and I wish i would have snapped a picture. Aaron will be doing the bathing so he can bond with the wee one more, since she'll be literally attached to me! I can't wait to see Aaron and the baby. I also can't wait to see what this baby looks like, the suspense is killing me.

This is also the last day for my wedding ring for a while. My fingers are TRES puffAy. It's happened in the last 2-3 weeks. Today I took it off for a while. But we only have 6 weeks to go and i can probably put BOTh rings back on!! I've only been wearing the band for the last few months!! My pretty diamond engagement ring just hangs there on my jewelry holder looking at me with this sad sad pouty diamondy look. ahha

I also completed my thank you cards for the shower gifts!! I just have to address them and send them on their way!! The carpal tunnel is a stinker but you are all worth it. Definitly used the tylenol and brace that night and it helped :)

Breast feeding is what worries me now. I feel like it's this wierd luminous puzzle that awaits me. The transition to work after 5 weeks of breast feeding scares me too, how will it all work!!?? I should've shelled out the dough and took another class!! I'll search that on youtube too!!!

But I'm sure nature will take it's course and we'll figure it out!!

Amy Out

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Nursery ...& 32 weeks prego

The Nursery is Finally Put together!!!! Thanks to my In-laws who rocked it out Saturday night after an AWESOME baby shower at my sisters!!! I have the best family and friends EVAAA.

It was so much fun putting that room together with them! Judy (mum n law) brought the crib and Heidi (A-ron's sister) and her were ready with tons of energy to put it together. I think I mostly sat and supervised haahhaha. It's so cute. it's just what i wanted. No themes, just comfy cozy.

here are some pics!! I still need to paint the "Audrey" letters and put them over the crib. I wlil do that this weekend. I sleep better at night knowing if this kid popped out tomorrow i'd have someowhere to put her..somewhere CUTE!!!!

I also put the 33 week prego pic since i got this blog out late, and i'll be 33 weeks tomorrow (sat)

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!! I'll be making out a lot of thank you notes :)


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Prego Amo at almost 32 weeks

As I stated on this pic in Facebook...Contrary to what this pic looks like, I'm actually carrying the baby in my stomach..not my neck. YIKES!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Week 31

Good Afternoon (said like Alfred Hitchcock) ,

Week 31 started off with a nasty nasty head & chest cold on Sunday and lasted throughout Monday, but now I feel soooooo much better. Thank God for Tylenol severe cold daytime !! My ears are still stuffed up but that too shall pass haha. We did miss our 2nd Birth class..somehow bringing my cootie filled sneezing miserable self to a room full of pregos didn't really sound like the right thing to do..they'd come at me like an angry mob with pitchforks and Purell!!

My tum is getting PERTY big and out there. I will attempt to get a picture of myself for this blog. She is sticking out loud and proud! My wardrobe is getting to be quite limited! I'm going to have to pick up some additional basic shirts. Walmart I've noticed is awesome for cheap maternity stuff for me , it's their PLUS size section , not even maternity!! I can get a super cute shirt becuase the way they've styled them they are great for pregnitos! I just get a couple of sizes up! You can't beat 8 bones for a cute blouse, except when i find one at Goodwill in their maternity/plus size for 2.99! lol I'm determined not to spend a lot on clothes. I've done pretty well I think. Although now, it's time to upgrade my braziers again to the next bigger size!!! The giant orbs are ever growing. And I don't want to sound gross, so i'll just throw this in here real quick (but most of you are women reading anyway so it's okay) now "Leaking" from the twins..I'm just saying. It's the pre-milk stuff. My body is like a freak show right now! It's more interesting than the bearded lady.

Audrey is still kicking up a storm. She is a night owl, or a sugar owl. If I drink something sweet she's popping all over. Last night niether of us could get to sleep. I think it was from al lthe liquid tyelnol we tossed and turned, and she was be by the time my alarm went off i was sooo tired!! Tonight will be an early night i'm sure.

OH AND MY INDIANA SHOWER IS THIS WEEKEND!!!!! I can't even tell you how excited i am!!! First of all I get to see all of my favorite women, and 2nd of all there's CAKE! I definitley have a sweet tooth that's for sure!!! becuase i keep thinking about the dang cake!! LOL! I'm just psyched to see everyone!!! I hope i don't cry I'm such a weiner! I'm also looking forward to the Ohio Shower post baby so everyone in Ohio can meet our little stinker!!!! My mother n law is a genius..>AND she throws great parties! ahhahah

I'm also excited that spring is here (almost) and that things are popping up in our yard that are from last year. I'm going to try to do SOME planting around our patio when I can, but It's going to be tough. I wish my dad's sister was a talented landscaper/flower person extroidinnaire & could help me figure out what to do with my area....waaiitt a mminnuutee SHE IS, "Note to self...somehow get Aunty Donna on south side to look at my planting plot...maybe bribe with drink of choice" ! WE're going to skip the giagantor garden, as it is just tooooo much and Aaron has wonky hours, so we'll pick it up next year when i get this parenting thing a bit more organized . If anyone out there wants to use my garden to grow some stuff just come on over and feel free. I noticed this week that my oregano is popping up and my lemon verbana is showing it's wee leaves and also parsely. We also noticed onions in the big garden are sprouting! HA!

Anyway, that's all i have this week. I have a dr. appt. tomorrow , she called me yesterday, they're going to talk to me about my blood pressure becuse it's eeked up a bit. I think theyr'e just going to up my medicine that i currently take. I only take the bare minimum of it.

I'm tired...but I'm so excited we're on the last haul. See ya'll this Saturday!!!


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

30 weeks..Bucket full of Hormones Shormones


Can you believe it? Only 10 WEEKS LEFT!! It's nuts! Since this is my favorite place to whine, i'll just get things going straight away. Holy moly am I hormonal!! Last night I crashed at 8pm just falling straight into a deeep deeep sleep ..then around midnight I'm in toss-turn mode spiraling around to Tigger's dismay. Finally w/ spotty sleeping, i lay there, and I swear I could literally feeelll the horemones, I felt anxious and sad, and mad all at once. It reminds me of my lady's day's hormones. That's how i think i'm recognizing it. It' s the ever dwelling crankiness you can feel under your skin...finally i just got up 20 min early and petted my cat and watched tv. It did help just to watch something and not be insane in my own head haha I know you might all be thinking "this girl is straight up Ca-ra-zy" and I'd have to agree. ahha I feel like I'm going to break out like the Tazmanian devil and just flip out sometimes , but then a second later i'm just fine. OH PREGNANCY YOU MAGICAL WONDERLAND!

On the flip side, Look at what is inside of me RIGHT NOW..and how awesome that is. That makes it ALLLLL worth it. Sometimes, i'm okay w/ the time I have left w/ the quiet and the doing whatever I want when I want (which isn't really exciting haha) ...and sometimes, I just want to meet her sooo bad and I want it to hurry up!!! With every feeling of fatigue and every spasm of my bladder, I simutaniously curse and bless it all at once. She's worth all of it. This is something I didnt' think I'd ever do, and my sister can attest to that one. But I found the dude of my dreams and I can't wait to do this together with him. I know we'll fight more , but at the same time, we'll laugh more (if that is even possible) and love more. awwww. hahah Dang it now I'm a bit veclempt.

If Aaron can make it through my hormonal times and the fact we argued for like 10 minutes about what he gave up for Lent (in the end I know I'm right anyway, i'm sure he does too) , we'll be just fine hahahaha.

Also, we started Birthing classes this past Monday night. They run until 9pm....9pm for me is like midnight for everyone else. I'm really glad we took these classes. I feel like it's filling in alllll the holes of information that I've read and skimmed through in the books and web sites. Aaron didnt' know what a Braxton Hicks was , which surprised me, so I'm definitly glad we're going. We've watched a video on all the stages of labor..i found after she turned the lights on, my face has contorted & paled to show the shock and awe mixed with intense fear!! This process..has nothing good...except a baby at the end. Aaron better get me a present..that's all I'm saying, and it better be diggity dang good!!! I hope i don't poop. can i just say that?

Amy Out.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

29 Weeks

Good Afternoon,

I am now 29 weeks...just a few more days till the 30 week mark. We are on the home stretch my friends! I'm officially ready to have this baby. Although my body was no showcase before pregnancy, i'm ready to get it back for just myself. I don't mind the extra tenant so much because I love the dickens out of her. But i do say..not lugging around .what feels like a bag of sand. sounds real nice right now. And as much as i just love trekking to the bathroom 14 times in 15 will be nice to be able to get some work done. The 3rd trimester has kind of pulled the rug out from under me a bit and taken me by surprise. I'm so paranoid of lifting, bending over, eating too much, not eating enough ,my sugar levels, my blood pressure OH CALGON!

But...I got to hear her heartbeat this morning and all is well. It was real hard for the dr. to find it this morning. This made me lie like a stone and freak out behind my seemingly calm face. Apparenly Audrey had her back to us and it's a little tricky when she does that. WHY does she worry mommy!! The dr. also said there was a bit of protien in my urine which MIGHT be a symptom of oncoming preeclampsia (i know i spelled that wrong) so now i have to PEE in a BUCKET for 24 hrs. I did this in the beginning of the pregnancy, and i hate it. It is gagging me just thinking about it. Collecting your own pee pee really is way around it. AND it's a pain in the rear (or the front har har) to keep taking and putting the jug back in the fridge when i have to pee allllll the time Thank God we have a fridge in our garage so it's not near the REAL food, i think i'd have to throw it all out . So my plans for Sunday are no plans. It's staying at home and collecting my whiz...don't you wish you were me?

I can't help but get the guilty feeling that it's becuase I'm overwieght and I did this to myself. But it's too late now for guilt, I just have to deal w/ the now and today and keep on truckin!

So once again, cross thy fingers and i will let you know !!

Amy out

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I DO NOT HAVE GESTATIONAL DIABETES!!!!!!!!!! WOOOO HOOOo!!! One less thing to worry about!!!!!!!!!!!

That is all.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Week 28

Week 28...what a doosie already. Last Friday was one heck of a bad day. First thing in the morning, I read an email. This email was sent from my good friend Linda. I met Linda via my uncle's handicap bowling group The Trailblazers (since him breaking his hip and us moving we did not join this year) her husband is the treasurer. I worked with her on several graphic projects for the kids (calendars etc) The email was from her and was to be sent upon her death. She had been struggeling with colon cancer for 4 years. She leaves behind a husband of 35 years and her wonderful daughter with downs Kylene. She was someone I immediately liked and adored. I knew this day would not be far off, but still came as a shock and punched me right in the gut. Needless to say, Friday morning i shut my office door and cried my eyes out and becuase of prego horemones, i physically could not stop sobbing. Eventually I got it together, had lunch with an old friend which cheered me up. Then at the end of the day I get a call from my dr. 's office. I have to take the 3 hour Glucose test becuase my last one last week was a bit too high. I did this yesterday (Monday) morning.

They require you to fast from the night before, and sit in their office for 3 hours (mine was 4 becuase they took a long time to call me in) then draw blood and drink the glucola again in the mroning..then every hour they draw blood again and you go back out and read through the 2-3 month old mags and i do my crosswords. Becuase I have deep veins that move around it's always been tricky to get me stuck to take blood. 6 times one point she had to do it in the hand which is a bit more painful. After this was done I was like a streak of lightening out thta door. I went next door to the hospital to get my RH shot. I luckily found chocolate in my purse that my mom gave me....dark chocolate from Trader Joe's. Usually, i would not be so rude as to keep eating chocolate while registering in the hospital..but i was famished!!! By this time it was going on 1:30 and all I'd had was water !! I apologized to the lady, becuase she said "do i smell chocolate" hahahah..and she said "honey after that test i wouldnt' care if you were sitting there eating a big mac" . Finally i go up to get the stingy RH shot in my hip . The joys of prego-ness were lost on me this day.
By the time I was out of the hospital..i was cranky and vile and starving and pretty sure i was turning green and busting out of my clothes..see pic above of me going home. With my internal self-bargaining and will power tools shaded by the immense hunger i crossed 3 lanes on US31 to get to wendy's and get a chicken sandwich.
I drive home and snap at poor poor Aaron for something completely stupid. He was visibly annoyed and i immediately felt like a turd. I could feel the hormonalness and awful hungre making me nuts but i couldn't stop the snapping. I gulped my sandwich down my gullet and went straigth in and apologized and layed down for 3 long hours. By the time I awoke...I was normal Amy again and felt evened out.

The moral of this that dont' ever ever run into a hungry 7 month pregnant woman after a glucose test in a dark's not pretty . I gave Aaron a lot of hugs after that :)

-Amy Out

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

27 Weeks


This week is not much different than last week! We have started breaking down the xtra bedroom to make the nursery! I really need to have this done to settle my mind. It bugs me that it's not done. It bugs me bad!! We've been so busy and Aaron works wierdo hours so we haven't had enough time to really get in there and do it. So many things to do!! Sometimes i get a little stressed, but I'm sure it will all work out!
I have my next Dr. Appt Tomorrow (18th) They are testing for Gestational Diabetes .I get to drink Glucola and go to the hospital for the RH shot. Fun Fun morning indeed ICK! No cool ultrasound ahhaha. dag nab it. If I could, as you all know, I'd have one every day!! She kicked me a lot last night before bed :) I loved it. why..she's kicking me now becuase i just ate some thin mints. mmmm thin mints.
Sometimes...when i'm sitting and thinking, i think "what turns out to be a boy " and then i think of allllll the things i'd have to return ahhahaha. Or i'd just dress him up as a girl for a while because i'm a little lazy. hahahahah this poor child.
We are finally registered at Baby's R Us. I'm a little scared because my sister and 5 yr old neice took advantage of my potty break and registered for things when i wasn't looking! hahaha!!
So if it's's not my fault. I pretended to register for my 5 yr old neice too and scanned her bangs. Please dont' buy me a 5 yr old !! I need to EASE into the 5 yr old phase .

Well that's all I have for you my pretty poodles. I love you all and hope you are all doing well. i will update you w/ anything exciting that happens .

Amy Out.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

26 Weeks


We are on Week's so wierd still how fast it all goes!!! I can totally believe this is how my stinker is positioned (see illo) as she always feels like she's kicking my belowness. Every day I wait for her to move and I truly enjoy ever second of it. Like I've said before it's usually 1/2 hr to 1 hr after i eat. I honestly can't wait to meet her. The excitement is getting palatable!!! it amazes me how much baby I've got in there. I watched a show on deliveries last week where they did a c-section at 27 weeks on someone and they had to take the entire sac out w/ the baby in it and my jaw was open and i was a little freaked..from just the size, although small in birth terms..big in "thats inside me" terms!

The wierdness is never gone. It's all a lot for me to wrap my head around. This weekend My husband and I are taking down the guest room! The transition will begin!! We're doing a coat of paint (just a simple comforting neutral). I also am going to put a square of chalk board paint so she can literally write on the wall!! And that will be fun for the other stinkers that come over (neices and nephews) I'm goign to try to keep it simple. I still need a rocking chair and a dresser that can double as a changing table. So if any of you know anyone that is selling or giving away something in good shape, let ol' Amy know!!! I'm excited to have it put together. I will post pics asap when it looks good :) I just want it to be comfortable and soothing.

As far as whines go this week, just the same old whining you've read haha, I'm tired of course and my carpal tunnel is nasty as ever. OH here's a new thing..3rd trimester naseau..isn't that delightful?! I thought i was scott free my friends, nope. I kept thinking I was getting sick, but it's becuase of the surge of horemones that comes along in later pregancy. If I catch myself going too long w/out food or a snack i get really nautious or if i eat something greasy. OH SO MAGical! hahahahahah Poor Aaron has to hear me all the time " I feel terrible" but most the time i'm okay. My next appt is next Wed. I will keep you all updated :)


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Weeks!!


We're at 25 weeks and doing well. This past weekend I do belive this child had a growth spurt. I seem to be popped out a LOT more than just last week! I also had a lot of round ligament pains this weekend up to day. They're little pinchy muscle reminders on my lower right side that tell me that my boo boo is getting bigger. They're really not to painful, more of an annoyance. They're not like i scream "OWE" it's more like a whispered "owee" at my desk . I still try to not over eat because it makes me mucho uncomfortable. I found out last dr. visit that I've only gained 7 lbs through the whole shabang so far. I was very happy to hear that (i requested to hear the #) So i'm right on track. The sore throat I've had for 4.5 weeks FINALLY went away this weekend. My dr. told me to take zantac to cut down th acid and whatttaya know..she was right, and no more night time acid that made my throat cranky. I can't say how awesome it is that it's gone. I was getting really tired of cough drops. yuck!! We're currently gearing up to do the baby's room. We're going to put our extra antique bed into storage and grama Judy is coming from Ohio with the crib!! I'm so excited!!

Work is crazy busy, so it's been non stop. I'm still going to bed at 8-8:30 at night most nights, that has not changed. I'm trying to currently really pay attention to my posture to avert any aches and pains from the extra weight all in one spot. As a previous severe back pain sufferer i know that once you start leaning on one thing wrong it all goes wrong and ytou feel worse!!.

My next dr. Appt is around Feb 19th and i get to drink Glucola..mmm doesnt' that sound delicious. IT's to check for justational diabetes. I've been feeling fine, so i REALLY hope i don't have it! I will also be getting the "RH" Shot becuase my blood type is 0- . That is so the baby's blood if it's a different type doesn't attack my system. (as an O- person I'm a universal donor, anyone can have my blood, but i can only get O- that's why blood banks call me and email me like psychos) .
That's all ihave to post today.

Hope all is well and everyone is dealing with the snow!!


Thursday, January 22, 2009



Monday, January 19, 2009

23 Weeks


I know I know, I skip weeks. I'm uber busy at work! My home computer won't let me log in (God knows why ahah) so i try to squeeze this in.

I am now 23 weeks prego! I can't believe how flippin' fast this is going. This Wednesday is my next ultrasound. Hopefully the wee stinker will show me the goods!!! I want to know so bad!!! I bought my very first thing that I bought for the stinker. My mom and i went shopping at Burlington Coat Factory, and they have HUGGEE baby section. I had no idea, and my sister n law has worked there for like 3 years. I bought a wee blanky that says "sweet pea" and a pack of matching recieving blankets. It gets me all choked up just looking at clothes!! I"m such a wimp! It just really brings it to reality. I think the last 3 weeks or so It's gotten closer to my heart because I can really feel the wee one moving around a lot. I loovee feeling it move, it makes me feel secure and I wait for it every morning. He/She is most active in the morning. I get one cup of coffee a day and about an hour after that he/she is boot scootin' boogying.
I'm feeling alright. Still really tired, still mucousy and my throat STILL hurts. I feel like i have somehting swollen behind my tonsil and it's going on week 3 ugh ANNNOOyyyinNnngg. I'm going to ask my Dr. about it on Wed. Last time i went it was really crowded that morning. Lots of people breeding!
Here's a weird occurance as of late....I've noticed I'm more prone to nausea now than i was 1st weird is that? or is it normaL? I saw my uncles scratch w/ blood on his arm and i wanted to pull the car over and hurl..and i'm not a sensitive gal like that. Who knows..eveyrone has a different pregnancy. Most of the time my appetite is normal, but sometimes I could motorboat a pie and eat another dinner ahahha!! If i over do it i truly regret it. The room in there is getting smaller every day and when i is really uncomfortable! So i really try to keep it normal!
Other than all that , i shall keep you posted. Who knows..maybe you'll get two posts in one week! I want to post the ultrasound results asap!!
Love you all, take care,

Monday, January 5, 2009

21 Weeks

Hello Hello!!

I'm sorry I've been away so long! The holidays were wonderful, but then a week after (last week) I was sick as a dog..a pregnant dog. I had a severe head cold that lasted the entire week. It was a doosy. I think my husband is even impressed w/ how much more I could sleep given the chance. The good thing is I had last week off from work, so didn't need to use any time. The bad news is, I had so much to do around the house that I wanted to get done, but exhaustion kept me from it. I'd put a load of laundry in and realize I needed to lie down again. The stinker with having a cold during pregnancy is that all the good drugs are on the no-no list (usually i adore aleve cold and sinus) . The two drugs I found most helpful on the "okay" list were Tylenol liquid severe cold and Afrin nasal spray. The Tylenol really took the body aches and sinus pressure away that was killing me and made me feel a bit normal, and the Afrin would clear up my nostril so I could sleep. They were clogggged shut!! Also, the Neti Pot!!! The Neti pot is a great drug-free way to clean out the sinuses and get the junk out!!! I was disgusted and awed at the same time at what flew out of there!! It moved into my chest a bit but it is all clearing out now and sounds worse than it really is.

I'm definitley showing now. I have to work to remember this is baby and not all holiday weight gain. IT really messes with your psychy!! I didn't have much of a mid-drift before but what was there is really really gone ahahha. I have found if i eat too much I'm really uncomfortable and my stomach will stick out EVEN MORE.
This past week once i was feeling better I did make it to "Motherhood Maternity" to spend some Xmas Gift C's and get some new skivies and size E bra (oh yes "E" as in "EEEEKKK"!!!) These Boobs have their own gravatational pull their so big. Bless Motherhood Maternity for having plus size clothes and skivies..if it weren't for them I'd have to shop online for everything.
I did frolic around Goodwill in Greenwood becuase i was sick of being at home and hit PAYDIRT w/ some plus size bEAUTiful sweaters that will grow with me. Some chubby girl in Greenwood has excellent taste. 3 sweaters , 1 turtleneck and a wool skirt for 20 bones ain't bad! I floated out on a bargain euphoric high triumph. This woman had style and i love her for giving away her clothes!! They all looked brand new and all from lane Bryant..SCORE!

Anywho, now i'm back at work and know that I'm really going to miss the 2pm vacation nap i was getting used to. It's good to be back in society though, i think i'll stay. hahaha

One more note, we were unable to determine the sex of the bebe on the 23 rd. The stinker did not allow us to see it's bits and pieces. The tech said she gave a 60% chance of a girl only becuase there's no evidence of a dangler (okay she didn't use the term dangler). We go back the 21st to get another ultra sound and to see if the boo boo will be less shy :)

It all seems like it's going by really fast now. I'd write more but i have to pee again.
